Watch การกลับมา Full Movie
การกลับมา (2014)
Release : 2014-11-27
Genre : Horror
Runtime : 95 Minutes
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Company : Spatar Film
Cast : Sirachuch Chienthaworn, Akkaphan Namart, Khamly Philavong
Overview : Bangkok, Thailand: To pay off a gambling debt, a young man, Sirachash Jeirthawon, takes a job to steal from a con condominium, where there is a ghastly rumor about the disappeared Lao maid and Myanmar guard. He soon finds himself haunted by a ghost. Siem Reap, Cambodia: After he unintentionally killed a Myanmar worker, a Thai police officer, Akapan Namart, keeps seeing strange things while hiding in a small hotel. Are they just some hallucinations that are driving him close to insanity? And meanwhile. Vientiane, Lao PDR: A Lao woman, Khamly Philavong, takes her dead sister’s body back home, where she finds her mother acting as if she’s possessed by a vengeful spirit of someone. Tachilek, Myanmar: A wife cannot contact her husband who is working in Thailand while feels the presence of an unseen someone.
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